Friday, May 2, 2014

If we are to find a cure for aids or cancer is found it would be in the tropical rainforest.

Without the rainforest we would not be able to cure some of the diseases that exist today and will not be able to cure future ones. Some prescription drugs are derived from the rainforest and without the rainforest we cannot produce these prescriptions. 

Not only are we killing the plants and homes of many animals, but we are overlooking the millions of people that live in the rainforest. There was an estimated 10 million Indians living in these rainforests and now there is an estimated 200,000.  Many native tribes have been exterminated already because their governments failed to protect them from logging companies, the mining companies and the slash and burn farmers.

I found this video to be very powerful. It opens your eyes to how vital the rainforest is. I urge you to watch the video if you get a chance. 

The semester comes to an end and I am glad I had a chance to experiment with blogging. I found that I was not a natural at it and it took some time getting use to it, but I was happy to cover this topic and give some exposure. I was also saddened by how much destruction is done daily to the rainforest and hope this blog has brought some awareness to the community. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Did you know that...

 Recent estimates from Conservation International indicate that in the Amazon one can find:
  • 18,000 varieties of plants 
  • 434 species of mammals 
  • 239 reptile species 
  • 225 species of amphibians 
  • And more freshwater fish and primates than anywhere else on the planet!
By not putting in efforts to conserve the rainforest all the diverse life living in the rainforest would cease to exist.
I know I am a little late, but hope you all had a wonderful Earth Day. This is a picture I found from an Earth Day poster contest a couple of years ago. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

                    Do you ever wonder what you can do to help conserve the Earth's rainforests?

The rainforest has been in long danger due to destruction of humans. The world's rain forests are disappearing at a fast rate of about 6000 acres every hours. Animals and plant species living in these forests are at a high risk of become extinct because of the destruction.

 In order to know how to help conserve the forests we need to ask ourselves one question.

                             Why are rainforests being destroyed?

        People destroy the rainforests for construction reasons, certain minerals found in the rainforest, mining, oil, and to build dams.

                     What can we do to help conserve these rainforests?
  • Visit rainforests that are in danger so we know how to better save them.
  •  Become politically involved
      By providing education to the public we offer an awareness about all the threats the rainforest faces and what we can do to stop lessen these threats. 
  • Raise money to help organizations that support the rainforest.
            This is actually very easy to do. If you have a group of friends that would be interested in this cause then gather together to put together a fundraiser or become involved with other well known organizations.
  • Use less paper (recycled paper when possible)

                           Purchase products that use rainforest safe papers and books.
                                            These are only a few examples. 

I found this acronym that can help you remember some ways to protect the rainforest.

  • Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.
  • Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down.
  • Encourage people to live in a way that doesn’t hurt the environment.
  • Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife.
  • Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.

         There are so many things we can do to conserve what we have left of the rainforests.